Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I love my after!

I didn't always use to be a big girl. But for awhile, I let myself go. I stopped exercising. I ate a ton. I just didn't care. I went from being pretty normal, to being pretty big. I was 220 lbs at my heaviest and wearing size 20 in womens.

After some life changing events, I decided that I needed to get my butt into gear and focus on losing weight. I started with a kick-off diet to help me get my food portions under control. Along with eating better, I exercised. There is no secret people ~ eat good and exercise! Although, I will say that having someone to do it with makes the whole process easier. I am so fortunate to have my sweetheart Dave in my life. Dave and I help each other out by keeping each other in check. I am now proud to say that I am down 85 pounds and am happily a size 4. The best part is that I have kept it off for almost a year and a half!

So, why am I bringing this up now? Well, I was trying to find some old photos and realized that they were on my old computer. I set it up and found the photos I was looking for and I also found photos reminding me just how far I have come. I am so happy that I have made the necessary changes in my life and that I will NEVER be that person again!